Kaplan Medical's USMLE Step 1 Qbook provides high-yield, exam-style practice and effective test-taking strategies to help you master all Step 1 topics. Our experts regularly review content to make sure you have the most up-to-date prep, realistic practice materials, and current test information so you can face the USMLE with confidence.The Best Review850 exam-like practice questions you won't find anywhere elseExplanations for each correct and incorrect answer choice17 high-yield, exam-relevant practice sets in Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Microbiology/Immunology, Pathology/Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, and Behavioral Science/BiostatisticsTest-taking strategies for every question typeStudy techniques to maximize your limited preparation time Biografía del autor For over 40 years, Kaplan Medical has been dedicated to helping aspiring doctors prepare for and pass their medical licensing exams. We are proud to offer the most innovative study tools available on the market, and our dedicated staff of expert advisors and faculty ensures that doctors and medical students receive the guidance and support they need. At Kaplan Medical, our students' success is our goal.
- Libro Impreso
- Edición: 10
- Editorial: Desconocida
- Autor: Kaplan Medical