The Physics of Oscillations and Waves (Libro en Inglés)

$ 18,884.00
ISBN: 9780306457210
por Springer
Except for digressions in Chapters 8 and 17, this book is a highly unified treatment of simple oscillations and waves. The phenomena treated are simple in that they are de- scribable by linear equations, almost all occur in one dimension, and the dependent variables are scalars instead of vectors or something else (such as electromagnetic waves) with geometric complications. The book omits such complicated cases in order to deal thoroughly with properties shared by all linear os- cillations and waves. The first seven chapters are a sequential treatment of electrical and mechanical oscillating systems, starting with the simplest and proceeding to systems of coupled oscillators subjected to ar- bitrary driving forces. Then, after a brief discussion of nonlinear oscillations in Chapter 8, the concept of normal modes of motion is introduced and used to show the relationship between os- cillations and waves. After Chapter 12, properties of waves are explored by whatever mathematical techniques are applicable. The book ends with a short discussion of three-dimensional vii viii Preface problems (in Chapter 16), and a study of a few aspects of non- linear waves (in Chapter 17). Contraportada Before students can advance to the study of quantum mechanics, they must master a potential stumbling block - the physics of oscillations and waves. While many treatments of this mathematically complex subject leave students confused, Ingram Bloch's new test offers an especially accessible introduction that fully explains requisite mathematical techniques in the context of actual physical problems. A comprehensive work, The Physics of Oscillations and Waves also covers topics in mechanics and electricity to which similar mathematical methods are applicable and such nontraditional subjects as ladder networks and characteristic impedance, which are usually taught in engineering course.

  • Libro Impreso

  • Edición: 1

  • Editorial: Springer

  • Autor: Bloch Ph.D., Ingram