ISBN: 9786287608030
Editorial: Regenerate CO
Autor: Regenürate LLC
Año de edición: 2022
Edición: 1
N° Páginas: 74
Tipo de pasta: Pasta blanda
Descripción: Where does water come from and where does the water we use go? Like the blood that flows through our veins to reach each part of the body, water flows all over the Earth to give life. What can we do to maintain this vital flow? Omacha the pink dolphin will accompany you as you discover the ways our consumption connects us to other lives. On this riverside journey, some of your missions to participate in regeneration will be to build innovative filters to support managing gray water at home, transform your consumption habits that impact water, and propose measures to regulate your local pipeline system to ensure it works responsibly.
- Libro de impresión bajo demanda
- Tiempo promedio de entrega: 10 – 15 días
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