Service Management - (Libro en Inglés)

$ 12,352.00
ISBN: 9781465269607
ISBN: 9781465269607
Editorial: Kendall/Hunt
Autor: Kandampully-Solnet
Año de edición: 2015
Edición: 2
N° Páginas: 372
Tipo de pasta: Pasta blanda
Descripción: 3rd Edition Now Available!Research, teaching interests and collective industry experiences have led to a strong belief that service management theory provides a vital conceptual framework with near perfect applicability in hospitality and tourism.Service Management Principles for Hospitality & Tourism guides managers to a new perspective that sees hospitality and tourism as essential service businesses requiring a holistic cross-functional approach to meeting customers’ needs within the context of personal relationships and experience. This edition includes references and examples about how service organizations can capitalize on, or are impacted by ongoing technological and social changes impacting the world, such as the sharing economy, social media, mobile and wearable technologies, online communities and more.Service Management Principles for Hospitality & Tourism:incorporates pedagogical features including examples, review questions, study objectives, chapter outlines, key words, diagrams and photos, tips boxes, and more!surveys many topics covering operations, marketing, and human resources.provides a sound set of principles of service management.This text introduces students to a range of interrelated topics that are fundamentally critical to success in service enterprises.

  • Idioma: Inglés

  • Autor: Kandampully-Solnet

  • Editorial: Kendall/Hunt

  • N° Paginas: 372

  • Tipo de pasta: Pasta blanda

  • Envío: Desde EE.UU.