Of the Good of Widowhood

$ 1,180.00
ISBN: 9781312124455
ISBN: 9781312124455
Editorial: Cervantes Digital
Autor: Saint Augustine
Año de edición: 2024
Edición: 1
N° Páginas: 46
Tipo de pasta: Pasta blanda
Descripción: This work is not mentioned in the Retractations, probably because it is a letter, and as such it is reckoned by Possidius, cap. 7. It is also marked as St. Augustine's by its references to his other works, De Bono Conjugali, etc. cap. 15. Ep. to Proba, cap. 23. The date is marked by the recent consecration of Demetrias, which was in 413. The admonition for which he is thanked by Juliana, Epistle 188, may be that against Pelagianism.

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