Dream Snow - (Libro en Inglés)

$ 1,848.00
ISBN: 9780399235795
ISBN: 9780399235795
Editorial: Philomel Books
Año de edición: 2000
Edición: 1
N° Paginas: 32
Tipo de pasta: Pasta dura
Descripción: It's December 24th, and the old farmer settles down for a winter's nap, wondering how Christmas can come when there is no snow! It is in his dream that he imagines a snowstorm coming and covering him and his animals--named One, Two, Three, Four and Five--in a snowy blanket. But when the farmer awakens, he finds that it has really snowed outside, and now he remembers something! Putting on his red suit, he goes outside, puts some gifts under the tree for his animals, and presses a button near a Christmas tree, creating a most surprising musical treat for children everywhere.Few in number are the parents who have made it through their toddler's years on just one copy of Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Dream Snow has similar ingredients: a simple story, lively collage-like illustrations and a fun gimmick for little hands . . . --TimeThis is a simple, well-told story about a simple farmer. . . . Viewers. . . will want to get their hands on it. --The Bulletin of the Center for Children's BooksCarle fans and toddlers learning the basics will . . . enjoy the gentle text and creative design features. --BooklistThe pictures are in Carle's trademark richly colored and textured collages that capture the snowy magic of Christmas. --Kirkus Reviews Críticas The venerable and prolific Carle (Hello, Red Fox, 1998, etc.) offers a quiet Christmas story with a little music at the end. A farmer lives alone on a small farm with so few animals that he calls them One, Two, Three, Four, and Five. Oh, he also has a tree named Tree. One night near Christmas he falls asleep in his favorite chair after his peppermint tea, and dreams that he is covered in a white blanket. On successive pages, One the horse, Two the Cow, Three the sheep, and so on are each covered in a snowflake blanket, accomplished by an acetate page of flakes and an amorphous shape that when turned reveals the animal. When the farmer awakes and finds it has snowed for real, he dresses himself warmly, decorates Tree, and strews gifts for all five animals under it. When he shouts "Merry Christmas to all!" he pushes a button that children can push, producing a lovely Yuletide tinkle. The pictures are in Carle's trademark richly colored and textured collages that capture the snowy magic of Christmas. Adults may be charmed to see that Carle dedicates the book to Barry Moser, who modeled for the farmer, although from the photo on the back cover Carle and Moser could pass for brothers with their shiny pates and neat white beards. Cotton candy. (Picture book. 4-7) -- Copyright © 2000 Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved. Críticas Few in number are the parents who have made it through their toddler's years on just one copy of Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Dream Snow has similar ingredients: a simple story, lively collage-like illustrations and a fun gimmick for little hands . . . --TimeThis is a simple, well-told story about a simple farmer. . . . Viewers. . . will want to get their hands on it. --The Bulletin of the Center for Children's BooksCarle fans and toddlers learning the basics will . . . enjoy the gentle text and creative design features. --BooklistThe pictures are in Carle's trademark richly colored and textured collages that capture the snowy magic of Christmas. --Kirkus Reviews Biografía del autor Eric Carle is acclaimed and beloved as the creator of brilliantly illustrated and innovatively designed picture books for very young children. His best-known work, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, has been translated into 70 languages and sold over 55 million copies. Carle illustrated more than seventy books, many best sellers, most of which he also wrote, and more than 170 million copies of his books have sold around the world. In 2003, Carle received the Laura Ingalls Wilder Award (now called the Children's Literature Legacy Award) for lifetime achievement in children's literature. In 2002, Eric and his wife, Barbar
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Autor: Carle, Eric
  • Editorial: Philomel Books
  • N° Paginas: 32
  • Tipo de pasta: Pasta dura
  • Envío: Desde EE.UU.