The book 'heart anatomy and circulatory system for kids' is a part of our early learning books about Human Anatomy for Kids.
Heart anatomy and circulation system activity book for children aged 7 to 14 years contains excellent 72-page resource for children to learn about their heart anatomy and circulatory system in a fun and interactive way.
Attractive, colorful, perfect resolution, and well-prepared teaching pages to teach children everything they need to know about their cardiovascular systems and many other related topics. Suitable for early childhood education, homeschooling, and school libraries. Kids will learn easily about arteries, capillaries, veins, atria, ventricles, superior and inferior vena cava, pulmonary artery, aorta, tricuspid and mitral valves, heart champers and blood anatomy and a lot of related topics shown below in the book index. Suitable for all age
topics covered in the book:
Heart shape------------------1
Heart size--------------------2
Heart location----------------3
Heart function---------------4
Circulatory System-----------5
The artificial heart-----------6
Animals with one heart--------7
Animals with Many hearts-----8
Animals with no heart---------9
The circulatory system organs.10
The heart anatomy------------11
Left and right heart----------12
The heart chambers----------13
Heart Health -----------------14
Health and unhealthy food-----15
Stay active-------------------16
Drinking water----------------17
Healthy weight ---------------18
Sleep sufficiently-------------19
Avoid secondhand smoke------20
Avoid stress------------------21
The blood importance---------22
Blood components------------23
The Plasma------------------24
The functions of plasma------25
Red blood cell----------------26
Red cell functions------------27
White blood cells ------------28
White cell functions----------29
The platelets-----------------30
The clotting -----------------31
The bone marrow------------32
Blood Vessels----------------33
Arteries functions-----------34
Arteries structure-----------35
The veins function--------------36
The veins structure-------------37
The Capillaries -----------------38
Capillaries structure & function--39
Feel your Heart beat .----------40
What is the Heart beat ?-------41
Hardest working muscle---------42
Heartbeats over lifespan--------43
Factors affect heartbeat rate--44
Measuring the heartbeat rate---45
What is a blood test?-----------46
Preparing for the blood test-----47
Blood sample--------------------48
Different blood tests------------49
(CBC) test----------------------50
Blood cell count-------------------51
Blood sugar testing---------------52
Old adult's blood sugar level-------53
Finger-prick device --------------54
Measure blood sugar level--------55
Blood group---------------------56
Rh factor ----------------------57
Blood transfusion ---------------58
Importance of blood type--------59
Blood donation-------------------60
One type of blood cell donation----61
Blood circulation & right atrium----62
Right ventricle -------------------63
Left atrium----------------------64
Left ventricle--------------------65
The Haemoglobin-----------------66
The anemia----------------------67
The blood pressure.--------------68
Diastolic and systolic -------------69
Pictures discussion----------------70
- Idioma: Inglés
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