August of the Zombies (Zombie Problems) (Libro en Inglés)

$ 1,408.00
ISBN: 9781101931639
ISBN: 9781101931639
Editorial: Knopf Books for Young Readers
Autor: Campbell, K. G.
Año de edición: 2022
N° Paginas: 384
Tipo de pasta: Pasta dura
Descripción: It started out as a small zombie problem. Then four more zombies tagged along. Now there are too many to count! From the acclaimed illustrator of Flora & Ulysses comes the exciting conclusion to the Zombie Problems trilogy.After facing an alligator attack and a paddle boat accident in search of the zombie stone, August comes out unscathed...but emptyhanded. At least Claudette is still by his side, along with a few more zombies. Of course, it isn't long before a few zombies becomes a horde, and August has so many questions: What is he supposed to do with all of these zombies? What is his Aunt Orchid hiding? Will his life ever be like Stella Starz (in her own life)? And most importantly, will he ever find the zombie stone and get everything back to normal?About the AuthorKeith G. Campbell was born in Kenya, but raised and educated in Scotland. He graduated with a master's degree in art history from the University of Edinburgh. After trying on several careers, Keith eventually returned to his early passion of writing and illustrating stories. He is the author-illustrator of several picture books and the winner of two Ezra Jack Keats Awards. A Small Zombie Problem is his first work for older readers, followed by The Zombie Stone and now, the exciting conslusion, August of the Zombies. Keith lives in Malibu, California. Learn more at and follow him at @artbykgcampbell.Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.CHAPTER 1The Ones BeforeA ghostly band of morning mist hovered on the Continental River. From somewhere within the milky vapor advanced the sputter of a weary outboard motor. Soon a blurry shape emerged. And the shape appeared to be that of a garden shed roped to a listing pontoon: a houseboat . . . of sorts.“Here comes Madame Marvell,” said August DuPont.The boy had eyes of the palest gold, like late-summer marsh grass, unusually large and round and rendered even larger by large, round eyeglasses. Between those and his rather small mouth, he bore a distinct resemblance to a baby owl.Swatting away some butterflies circling his head, the boy lifted a boatswain’s whistle to his lips and blew, closing and opening his fingers over the instrument’s holes to create a wavering warble. The dawn stillness should have resulted in the sound seeming piercing and conspicuous, but it was masked to some extent by the weak fog and the clamor of passing street sweepers.The snail-paced vehicles edged along nearby Dolphin Street, their great circular brushes noisily swishing trash into their steel bellies: plastic cups and confetti and sequined masks and a million strings of colored beads--all the festive debris generated by two weeks of Carnival.The whistle was loud enough, however, directed as it was across the water, to reach the approaching vessel, which shifted course slightly, clearly heading toward the high-pitched sound.“Are you quite well enough to travel?” asked Belladonna Malveau. “It is not every day, after all, that a person gets walloped in the head by the paddle of a riverboat.”“The paramedic came by first thing,” muttered August. “He said there’s no concussion, gave me the all-clear.”Belladonna studied her cousin for a moment.“Ah!” she said, as if in revelation. “That’s what’s missing: your beekeeper’s costume.”“I lost the helmet in the river last night,” explained August. “Without it, the gloves seemed rather pointless.”“Are you certain you are all right? You look, well, bluer than a day-old bruise.”August threw the girl a dispirited glance.“I’m doing fine, I guess,” he said dolefully, “considering I’m the person who ruined the Grand Parade, highlight of Croissant City’s world-famous Carnival, an event watched on television by millions of people.”“Oh, quit being so hard on yourself,” said Belladonna consolingly. “It wasn’t your fault.”She glanced discreetly at the gaggle of zombies nearby: a softly weeping showgirl, a small prince, and a well-dressed l
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