ISBN: 9789942405579
Editorial: Manuel Montero
Autor: Manuel Enrique Montero Lara
Año de edición: 2021
Edición: 1
N° Páginas: 154
Tipo de pasta: Pasta blanda
Descripción: The asylum, a right exercised since ancient times, has evolved and in Latin America as in Europe, different conceptions and applications have been adopted. For Latin America it is the right of asylum (political and diplomatic), and for Europe it is the right assimilated to refuge, due to the war conflicts of the 20th century.When the request and granting of diplomatic asylum in favor of the Australian journalist Julian Assange was announced in June 2012, it was dazzling that it would be a paradigmatic case in public international law, diplomatic and consular relations, as well as in international geopolitics and even in the debate on the limits between freedom of expression vs. the national security of States. Assange's case perfectly illustrates the concepts, debates and challenges of theinstitution of diplomatic asylum, a legal institution specific to Ibero-American law but still alien to European Community law. From the analysis of his case in particular and the institution of asylum in general, it will be possible to reach conclusions and recommendations on the future of diplomatic asylum and the feasibility of a legal and political debate for its express recognition at the level of international treaties of the United Nations.
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