A Cruel and Fated Light (2) (Hollow Star Saga) (Libro en Inglés)

$ 1,584.00
ISBN: 9781534453708
ISBN: 9781534453708
Editorial: Margaret K. McElderry Books
Autor: Shuttleworth, Ashley
Año de edición: 2022
N° Paginas: 640
Tipo de pasta: Pasta dura
Descripción: Product DescriptionHalf-fae Arlo becomes entangled in the courtly intrigue at the Seelie Summer palace as danger for ironborns mounts in this “beautifully written and deliciously complex” (Nicki Pau Preto, author of the Crown of Feathers trilogy) sequel to A Dark and Hollow Star that’s The Cruel Prince meets City of Bones.After thwarting the man behind the gruesome ironborn murders—and breaking several fae laws to do so—all Arlo wants is a quiet summer. As the deity of luck’s Hollow Star, capable of bringing about endless possibilities, this shouldn’t be too much to ask, right?But someone is still trying to summon the mythical Seven Deadly Sins. All signs point to immortal meddling, and if this is the gods’ attempt at returning to the Mortal Realm, it’s Arlo they’re going to use to do it.When Queen Riadne offers to host Arlo at the Seelie Summer palace, she jumps at the chance. She’ll get to see more of Vehan and Aurelian and perhaps even work out her complicated feelings for the gorgeous ex-Fury, Nausicaä. But no one trusts the infamous Queen of Light, even as Arlo wonders if she’s just been greatly misunderstood.With the Summer Solstice quickly approaching, everyone expects Riadne to finally challenge the High King for his crown. And as Arlo struggles to get control of her powers and take charge of her destiny, she’ll soon be faced with a choice that won’t only change the fate of the Mortal Realm forever but could condemn it to a cruelty the likes of which the Courts have never known.Review“A dazzling sequel with enough tantalizing court intrigue, reveals, and secrets to keep you on the edge of your seat. Shuttleworth expertly expands the beautiful and cruel world of the fae with rich world-building and intricate character work in this must-read follow up to A Dark and Hollow Star.” -- Liselle Sambury, author of BLOOD LIKE MAGIC and BLOOD LIKE FATE"Beautifully written and deliciously complex, A Dark and Hollow Star is utterly engrossing. The magic is bloody, the humor sharp, and the murder mystery drenched in violence and intrigue. Like a fallen Fury set on vengeance, I couldn’t get enough." -- Nicki Pau Preto, author of the Crown of Feathers series“A gripping flight into fantasy... The plot offers high stakes, simmering romantic tension, political drama, refreshingly casual representation of queer and transgender characters, and an intriguing magic system that draws inspiration from Dungeons & Dragons.” -- Kirkus on A DARK AND HOLLOW STAR“First in a planned duology, Shuttleworth’s queer urban fantasy debut combines figures from Greek myth and European folklore with elements of tabletop RPGs.... Shuttleworth sensitively tackles the plot’s darker elements, including trauma and suicidal ideation, tempering them with tenderness and wry wit. A kaleidoscopic narrative adds depth and drive.” -- Publishers Weekly on A DARK AND HOLLOW STAR"Characters are vivid, with motivating, sometimes mysterious, backstories. The high stakes of the plot are balanced with humor, particularly from the irreverent and snarky Nausicaä.... Many young adults will love this novel’s stellar queer representation, as well as the oft-repeated refrain that the adults should be the ones handling this mess. VERDICT: A promising opener to an urban faerie fantasy series featuring multiple queer identities." -- School Library Journal on A DARK AND HOLLOW STAR"Tongue-in-cheek pop-culture references and snarky humor balance well with dark but sensitive portrayals of emotional trauma caused by abusive or negligent adults.... This first in a planned duology should be a hit."-- Booklist Online Exclusive on A DARK AND HOLLOW STARExiled immortals and treacherous fae vie for power and dominance over the mortal world in this second installment of the Hollow Star Saga.Arlo Jarsdel, an ironborn on the cusp of Maturity, cast aside her fate, claiming the mantle of the Hollow Star to save herself and her friends from the machinations of Hieronymus A
  • Idioma: Inglés
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