Treating Trauma in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Libro en Inglés)

$ 2,322.00
ISBN: 9781462549122
Many DBT clients suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but until now the field has lacked a formal, tested protocol for exactly when and how to treat trauma within DBT. Combining the power of two leading evidence-based therapies--and designed to meet the needs of high-risk, severely impaired clients--this groundbreaking manual integrates DBT with an adapted version of prolonged exposure (PE) therapy for PTSD. Melanie S. Harned shows how to implement the DBT PE protocol with DBT clients who have achieved the safety and stability needed to engage in trauma-focused treatment. In a convenient large-size format, the book includes session-by-session guidelines, rich case examples, clinical tips, and 35 reproducible handouts and forms that can be downloaded and printed for repeated use. "On rare occasions, a work comes along that expands our basic assumptions, elevates our practice, improves client outcomes, and advances the field substantively. Harned's DBT PE manual is just that work. DBT PE is a game changer for clients with trauma histories who need DBT, granting providers the ability to formally target PTSD. With a meticulously crafted rationale; precise, principle-based guidelines for conducting exposures; DBT-infused processing; targeted applications for numerous trauma types and populations (including adolescents, who thrive with her approach); and instructive handouts and worksheets, this manual is a brilliant addition to the field."--Jill H. Rathus, PhD, Department of Psychology, Long Island University Post; Cognitive Behavioral Associates, Great Neck, New York "Harned has done a masterful job integrating DBT with PE and has conducted a body of research providing strong empirical support for this PTSD treatment. The manual thoroughly presents the theoretical underpinnings of DBT PE. It provides assessment guidelines, criteria for readiness for DBT PE, session procedures, and troubleshooting help. Harned describes how to work with clients after the final session of DBT PE, including ongoing exposure, relapse prevention, and Stage 3 DBT. A single case beautifully demonstrates implementation of DBT PE from beginning to end. This well-written treatment manual is suitable for trainees learning DBT PE as well as for very seasoned trauma therapists who wish to learn how to treat complex, high-risk patients with an effective, evidence-based treatment."-- Elizabeth A. Hembree, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania "The DBT PE protocol has been demonstrated to improve emotion regulation and reduce self-injurious behaviors in patients with severe PTSD who are not able to benefit from PE on its own. This comprehensive, eagerly awaited manual provides the details and logistics of DBT PE, with all necessary worksheets and session guidelines. Harned describes how the protocol was developed in a stepped manner to ensure safety and efficacy, providing a model for those involved in treatment development. This manual is an excellent fit for any setting where providers and clinical students in training are working to build on the foundations of DBT and/or PE to work effectively with highly comorbid and distressed patients. Harned does an excellent job of synthesizing the complexities of caring for these patients with validation, support, effective intervention, and empathy."--Sheila A. M. Rauch, PhD, ABPP, Mark and Barbara Klein Distinguished Professor in Psychiatry and Deputy Director, Emory Healthcare Veterans Program, Emory University School of Medicine "Harned seamlessly integrates principles and protocols of PE into standard DBT--the synthesis is elegant as well as practical, clear as well as compassionate, behaviorally specific while allowing for flexibility. This highly readable manual walks therapists step by step through treatment of individuals who are haunted by traumatic memories and trapped in self-destructive patterns

  • Libro Impreso

  • Edición:

  • Editorial: Desconocida

  • Autor: Harned PhD Abpp, Melanie S