Pigment Microbiology (Libro en Inglés)

$ 11,739.00
ISBN: 9780412410505
por Vintage
A description of a microbial colony grown on suitable agar usually involves the observation of its immediate surroundings. This applies to most bacteria and fungi and is of considerable taxonomic importance. An invaluable reference source for researchers in the areas of microbiology, biochemistry, food science and biotechnology - BIO-Forum; The first book I know of which is specifically concerned with microbial pigments ... nicely written, adequately illustrated with formulae and diagrams - Phytochemistry; ...an interesting overview of the topic of microbial pigments. It is a valuable reference source for researchers in the areas of microbiology, biochemistry, food science and biotechnology...I can recommend it to researchers who want to have a good start in microbial pigment research - Microbiology Europe.

  • Libro Impreso

  • Edición:

  • Editorial: Vintage

  • Autor: Margalith, P