Going There (Libro en Inglés)

$ 1,122.00
ISBN: 9780316593311
ISBN: 9780316593311
Editorial: Little, Brown and Company
Autor: Couric, Katie
Año de edición: 2021
N° Paginas: 736
Tipo de pasta: Pasta dura
Descripción: Review“Going There is jam-packed with honesty, humor, and helpful advice for every woman blazing her own path. I admired Katie Couric before, but after reading Going There, I absolutely love her. When you read about the real Katie in these pages, you will too.”―Glennon Doyle, author of the #1 bestseller Untamed and host of the We Can Do Hard Things podcast“Couric's actual living voice—one of the most human and wise of our times—is on every single line of this memoir, but "memoir" is reductive. This is memoir as time capsule, memoir as therapy session, memoir as masterpiece. Memoir as Necessity. It is aggressively, gorgeously human, the very book we needed for this time. You will feel thankful, as though Katie Couric has been an angel on your shoulder, she's been with you this whole time, and now, thank God, she's ready to show you the other side.”―Lisa Taddeo, bestselling author of Three Women“The secret to Katie Couric’s success is that there are no secrets. While the dogged determination she has called upon her whole life is an invaluable asset, there are other ingredients in Katie’s not-so-secret sauce: humor, concern, sincerity, steadfastness, and devotion to her daughters, family, and friends. If Katie is "going there," no matter where “there” is, we’re along for the ride.”―Michael J. Fox, bestselling author of No Time Like the Future“The woman we’ve counted on for decades to tell the most important stories of our time is finally telling her own. And nothing is off the record. This no-holds-barred account of Katie’s rise to TV fame—while juggling motherhood, crushing loss, and brushes with failure—delivers on its title. She writes with a raw honesty and been-there-lived-that sensibility that every woman on the rise will benefit from. Brimming with heart and sheer grit, it’s a masterclass in resilience and overcoming every obstacle on the way to success.”―Elaine Welteroth, bestselling author and award-winning journalist"Fast-paced and riveting, Going There is an intimate memoir that chronicles the once magical world of TV news. Every young woman should read this book to understand what ambition really feels like and the work it takes to fulfill it."―Tina Brown“Funny, sincere, heartbreaking — Couric chronicles her upbringing, career in TV journalism, cutthroat pressures and boys club hazing of the biz, the downfall of her co-anchor Matt Lauer, as well as the death of her husband at the young age of 42 and finding love again. Looking for a new BFF? You’ll find one here.”―Lesley Kennedy, CNN“Longtime ‘Today’ co-anchor Couric, once known as ‘America’s Sweetheart,’ shows that she’s really ‘America’s Role Model’ in a frank, funny memoir about her journey from Arlington, Va., high school cheerleader to a leading voice for cancer research as well as first-rank investigative journalist. Some superstar books can be skipped; this one shouldn’t be.”―Bethanne Patrick, The Washington Post"The book is a lot of things: a very juicy autobiography, full of sex and gossip and bizarre celebrity encounters and familial revelation, as well as an account of the rampant misogyny within the industry in which Couric rose. Like Couric herself, it is surprisingly spiky and weird and seemingly committed to absolute chaos. It is the work of someone who, if not ready to fully analyze her place in often-abusive hierarchies, is curious enough about those hierarchies to lay out her experiences in ways that are not flattering, either to the news business or to herself...A celebrity tell-all that by its nature should have been interesting only to Couric’s longtime fans [but] turns out to be a startling and capacious historic document."―Rebecca Traister, NYMag (The Cut)“I zipped through this memoir, only slowing down for some cleverly interspersed news clips and the occasional outburst of singing. I found Couric’s sensitive descriptions of her bouts with family loss thoughtful and moving; her honest forthrightness about her sometimes lopsid
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