Food Self-Sufficiency: Basic Permaculture Techniques for Vegetable Gardening, Keeping Chickens, Rais

$ 868.00
ISBN: 9781510768215
por Skyhorse
ISBN: 9781510768215
Editorial: Skyhorse
Autor: Elger, Robert
Año de edición: 2022
N° Paginas: 160
Tipo de pasta: Pasta blanda
Descripción: A practical back-to-basics guide to achieving food security and financial independence.What if you could really raise or grow all the food your family needs? In this fully illustrated book, you’ll learn to create an autonomous, diversified, and sustainable garden and to cultivate and maintain it following the main principles of permaculture. If you want to move towards greater food autonomy and you have sufficient space, you can also grow grains, keep chickens, and have a few beehives. Design and grow a prolific organic vegetable garden Learn how to save seeds from one year to the next Discover techniques for collecting water Read about beekeeping tools and how to use them Learn about chicken breeds and how to keep your birds healthy and happy Gaining food autonomy means depending less on grocery stores and food supply chains. But it is also offers the pleasure of eating healthy and delicious products straight from your land, while respecting the environment.About the AuthorRobert Elger specializes in fruit farming, and from 1980 to 2000 was responsible for maintaining several large garden centers. He has always advocated for simple, inexpensive ways of gardening that are natural and effective. More a practitioner than a theorist, he rejects any dogmatism, advising gardeners and farmers to stick with what works and abandon the rest without hesitation. Both innovative and respectful of old ways of doing things, he produces his own vegetables, condiments, and fruits.
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Envío: Desde EE. UU.
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