ISBN: 9781462516995
Editorial: Guilford Publications
Autor: Linehan PhD Abpp, Marsha M
Año de edición: 2014
Edición: 2
N° Páginas: 504
Tipo de pasta: Pasta blanda
Descripción: From Marsha M. Linehan--the developer of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)--this comprehensive resource provides vital tools for implementing DBT skills training. The reproducible teaching notes, handouts, and worksheets used for over two decades by hundreds of thousands of practitioners have been significantly revised and expanded to reflect important research and clinical advances. The book gives complete instructions for orienting clients to DBT, plus teaching notes for the full range of mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation, and distress tolerance skills. Handouts and worksheets are not included in the book; purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print all the handouts and worksheets discussed, as well as the teaching notes. The companion volume is available separately: DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition. New to This Edition *Handouts and worksheets (available online and in the companion volume) have been completely revised and dozens more added--more than 225 in all. *Each module has been expanded with additional skills. *Multiple alternative worksheets to tailor treatment to each client. *More extensive reproducible teaching notes (provided in the book and online), with numerous clinical examples. *Curricula for running skills training groups of different durations and with specific populations, such as adolescents and clients with substance use problems. *Linehan provides a concise overview of "How to Use This Book." See also DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition, a spiral-bound 8 1/2" x 11" volume containing all of the handouts and worksheets and featuring brief introductions to each module written expressly for clients. Plus, Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder, the authoritative presentation of DBT. Also available: Linehan's instructive skills training videos for clients--Crisis Survival Skills: Part One, Crisis Survival Skills: Part Two, From Suffering to Freedom, This One Moment, and Opposite Action. Críticas "DBT skills are useful not only for individuals who suffer from persistent emotion regulation difficulties, but also for individuals in extreme circumstances and people who have ordinary problems. This updated manual provides the 'flexibility within fidelity' in teaching these skills that practitioners and treatment adopters need. New, improved, expanded, and much clearer skills--they're all here! Skills trainers and their clients will benefit from Linehan and her colleagues' decades of systematic research and time spent developing, testing, and refining these skills, empowering practitioners to confidently offer multiple ways of understanding and practicing new behavior. Experienced skills trainers will notice the evolved richness and depth, while the explanations and teaching points will provide new trainers and students with an excellent foundation for skills training with both adults and adolescents. Providing a solid evidence-based foundation for core clinical training curricula, this manual and the accompanying volume of handouts and worksheets will be essential across the mental health disciplines."--André Ivanoff, PhD, Columbia University School of Social Work "Mental health professionals--whether or not they use DBT as their major therapeutic orientation--will find the second edition of Linehan's skills training manual and its companion volume of client worksheets and handouts invaluable. Skills such as mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation, and distress tolerance should be part and parcel of any therapist's repertoire. The manual clearly spells out the theoretical basis and rationale for emphasizing these skills and provides a detailed account of how to use the patient material. Especially useful are descriptions of troubleshooting common problems. Therapists are sometimes at a loss to figure out how to he
- Idioma: Inglés
- Autor: Linehan PhD Abpp, Marsha M
- Editorial: Guilford Publications
- N° Paginas: 504
- Tipo de pasta: Pasta blanda
- Envío: Desde EE.UU.