Catwoman Vol. 5: Valley of the Shadow of Death (Libro en Inglés)

$ 660.00
ISBN: 9781779512635
por DC Comics
ISBN: 9781779512635
Editorial: DC Comics
Autor: V., Ram
Año de edición: 2021
N° Paginas: 152
Tipo de pasta: Pasta blanda
Descripción: Selina Kyle might think everything is going purrfectly…but riddle us this, Catwoman!Catwoman knows there’s only one person she can turn to for help solving the most curious of riddles, no matter how much she hates the idea. Will the Riddler actually help Selina find Ivy or just get her lost in endless riddles?And things only get more complicated with the target Penguin put on Catwoman’s back…Find out if Catwoman can keep all her nine lives in Catwoman Vol. 5: Valley of the Shadow of Death, collecting Catwoman #29-33!About the AuthorRam V, is an award winning author and creator of comics & graphic novels such as Paradiso, these Savage Shores, Grafity's Wall & Ruin of Thieves. His short stories and comics Have appeared in several anthologies. His most recent work includes Batman: Secret Files for DC Comics. Conspirator and trouble-maker at White Noise Studio. Ram currently lives in London-dog person, doodles, argumentative melancholic.
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Envío: Desde EE. UU.
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