The Pug Who Wanted to Be a Mermaid (Libro en Inglés)

$ 704.00
ISBN: 9781534486881
por Aladdin
ISBN: 9781534486881
Editorial: Aladdin
Autor: Swift, Bella
Año de edición: 2022
N° Paginas: 160
Tipo de pasta: Pasta dura
Descripción: Peggy wants to give Chloe a truly mer-mazing summer vacation in this fourth story in the illustrated middle grade series about the adorable and silly Peggy the pug!Peggy the pug is going on vacation to the seaside! Her special friend Chloe is excited, too, and hopes that she’ll see a mermaid. But even though Chloe and Peggy search the beach, they can’t find a mermaid anywhere. Not wanting her friend to be disappointed, Peggy decides that she’ll just have to become a mermaid herself! But that means that she’s going to have to learn how to doggy paddle… About the Author Bella Swift is a children’s book editor who has written many successful children’s book series under a variety of pen names. She lives in London with her husband, her two daughters, and a pet cat—but dreams about getting a dog!  Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Chapter One Chapter One Peggy the pug was flopped under the big oak tree in the back garden, panting in the shade. It was soooo hot! On summer days like today, she wished her short, tan-colored fur wasn’t quite so warm and cozy. A fly buzzed around her nose, but Peggy couldn’t be bothered to swat it away with her paw. She lolled on the grass and thought about cold things, like the kitchen floor tiles… snow… and ICE CREAM! “Peggy!” someone called from the house, interrupting her vanilla-flavored daydream. Hearing her friend Chloe’s voice, Peggy sat up and wagged her curly little tail. She always had energy to play with her best friend! Chloe and her little sister, Ruby, came running over, flushed and sweaty. “Guess what!” said Chloe, crouching down to stroke Peggy. “School’s out! It’s the summer holidays!” “No more homework until September!” sang Ruby, doing a cartwheel on the grass. “Yippee!” barked Peggy excitedly. She would see more of Chloe and Ruby—and their big brother, Finn—over the summer holidays. She missed the kids when they were at school. Dad came out, holding a big black poster board with brightly colored balls of different sizes glued to it. “How was your last day of school?” he asked the girls. “Fun!” said Ruby. “We got extra playtime, and I got a certificate for being a Super Helper.” “Well done,” said Dad. “By the way, what is this thing? I found it in the kitchen.” “Oh, that’s my solar system project,” said Chloe. “I made it in science class this term. My teacher said I could take it home.” “Oh,” said Dad. “It’s… very big.” “Not compared to a planet,” said Chloe. “Did you know that Neptune is four times the size of Earth?” “Is that so?” said Dad. “Well, this was certainly taking up most of the kitchen table.” “I’ll keep it in my bedroom,” said Chloe, taking her solar system from Dad. “Is it okay if I go to the park? Everyone from school is meeting up there.” “Can I come too?” pleaded Ruby. “And me!” said Peggy, but to the humans it just sounded like barking. “Sure,” said Dad. “Finn just texted to say he’s hanging out at the park with some friends. I’ll ask him to keep an eye on you.” Chloe took her solar system project up to her bedroom. Then she packed a bag with some snacks and clipped on Peggy’s lead, and they headed to the park. The sidewalk felt hot against Peggy’s paws as she trotted along by Chloe’s side. “Look! There’s Finn!” said Ruby as they went through the park gates. She waved to her big brother, who was kicking a soccer ball around on the grass with his friend Zach. Peggy tried to chase after the soccer ball, but Chloe tugged on her lead. “This way, Peggy. I’m meeting Ellie and Hannah.” Ruby spotted some of her friends from her kindergarten class on the playground and ran over to join them on the merry-go-round. Just looking at them spinning around made Peggy feel dizzy! Chloe’s friends were sitting on the grass near the playground, making daisy chains. Peggy was delighted to see that Hannah had brought her little terrier, Princess, along. “Hi, Peggy!” yapped Princess. She had a yellow bow in her fur that
  • Idioma: Inglés
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