The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Anxiety: A Step-By-Step Program - (Libro en Inglés)

$ 2,092.00
ISBN: 9781626250154
por New
ISBN: 9781626250154
Editorial: New
Autor: Knaus Edd, Dr William J
Año de edición: 2014
Edición: 2
N° Paginas: 280
Tipo de pasta: Pasta blanda
Descripción: Críticas "A fantastic tool for all those who struggle with anxiety and want to learn how to reduce it once and for all. Knaus has compiled a very practical, clear, and effective workbook, complemented by catchy, easy-to-remember tips and a very comprehensive coverage of anti-anxiety strategies and techniques following in the footsteps of Dr. Albert Ellis's theory of rational emotive behavior therapy. I will recommend this workbook to all my anxiety patients."--Roberta Galluccio Richardson, PhD, clinical psychologist, Sloane Medical Practice, London"As we strive to navigate the waves of change, push ourselves to constantly do better, and struggle to accomplish a sense of balance, we can fall prey to the ravages of fear, anxiety, and depression. Knaus impresses once again by providing a highly practical, research-based methodology to tackle these psychological demons. Readers will come away with useful tools and strategies that will allow them to take charge of their lives, restore their well-being, and advance their health and productivity. Practitioners will also find this workbook a valuable and indispensable resource."--Sam Klarreich, PhD, C Psych, president of The Berkeley Center for Effectiveness and The Center for Rational Emotive Therapy, and coauthor of Fearless Job Hunting"In this recent revision, Knaus has provided the reader with an up-to-date and comprehensive description of anxiety and the role it can play in our now all-too-complicated and demanding lives. More importantly, he gives the reader those essential and valuable tools he or she needs to better cope with and reduce modern day stress and anxiety. I strongly recommend this book to the lay reader and professional alike. This book is truly a gem!"--Allen Elkin, PhD, in private practice in New York, NY, and author of Stress Management for Dummies"Knaus has an amazing capacity to simplify and clarify complex scientific ideas and to incorporate them into an accessible, pragmatic text. This workbook can greatly benefit lay people afflicted with excessive anxiety and commonly associated disturbances. He has added a section on meditative practices, which greatly enhances the appeal and utility of this workbook. I recommend it heartily."--Joseph Gerstein, MD, FACP, founding president of the SMART Recovery Self-Help Network"Knaus has given us an extensive new edition of his highly successful The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Anxiety. From direct observation, we know that the completion of this project has been a labor of love. Knaus has a strong scientist-clinician's grasp of the topics he covers in this revised edition, and it shows! Throughout the book, he shares his clinical insights and thorough understanding of the anxiety research. This book effectively summarizes many approaches to coping with anxiety and offers help to those who needlessly suffer its effects. It is a goldmine of proven ways and innovative methods to cope with the many faces of anxiety. The self-helper who chooses to reduce or end needless anxieties and fears, regardless of the form that they take, will find an organized approach for developing the skills needed to manage anxiety or make it go away."--Leon Pomeroy, PhD, author of The New Science of Axiological Psychology and Wendy Pomeroy, MD, US Department of Justice, retired"Knaus's step-by-step approach to conquer anxiety is written in a manner that gives the reader a handle on the source of his or her anxiety and spells out a plethora of sensible, evidence-based solutions. I heartily recommend The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Anxiety to anyone struggling with worry, anxiety, procrastination, and depression. If getting a better handle on emotions, giving up perfectionism, and defeating social anxiety are your goals, Knaus's book will seem as though he wrote it with you in mind."--Joel Block, PhD, assistant clinical professor, Hofstra, North-Shore/LIJ School of Medicine"One of the foundational tenets of the cognitive behavioral

  • Idioma: Inglés

  • Autor: Knaus Edd, Dr William J

  • Editorial: New

  • N° Paginas: 280

  • Tipo de pasta: Pasta blanda

  • Envío: Desde EE.UU.