Tactics, 10th Anniversary Edition: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions (Libro en I

$ 748.00
ISBN: 9780310101468
por Zondervan
ISBN: 9780310101468
Editorial: Zondervan
Autor: Koukl, Gregory
Año de edición: 2019
N° Paginas: 288
Tipo de pasta: Pasta blanda
Descripción: In Tactics, Gregory Koukl demonstrates how to artfully regain control of conversations, keeping them moving forward in constructive ways through thoughtful diplomacy. You'll learn how to maneuver comfortably and graciously through the minefields of a challenging discussion and how to get people thinking about Jesus. Críticas C. S. Lewis once said, "Any fool can write learned language. The vernacular is the real test." In this book Greg Koukl passes Lewis's test with flying colors. There are many great arguments in favor of the Christian faith, but many of them are accessible only to professional apologists and philosophers. Koukl has developed a memorable and practical way to translate these arguments so that all Christians can become winsome and persuasive apologists in everyday conversations, no matter what their day jobs. This book should be required reading for every thoughtful Christian.--Jay Wesley Richards Coauthor of The Privileged PlanetGreg Koukl has been using the methods offered in this book for many years with our Summit students and to great effect. His suggestions, illustrations, and witnessing approach work. This is a well-written, practical, and timely book.--David Noebel Founder and President, Summit MinistriesGreg Koukl is a master of the ideas that undergird the Gospel and one of the finest Christian communicators on the planet. He has spent many thousands of hours in front of the most difficult skeptics and their toughest questions and has developed very effective techniques to bring the truth to the surface of any conversation with love and grace. I have learned so much over the years by studying his persuasive yet respectful approach to giving reasons for faith. This book presents his methods in a way that is engaging and accessible to every believer. I hope Christians in churches all over the country gather together to study this important book and learn to stand firm for the Gospel in these dark times.--Craig J. Hazen, PhD Founder and Director, Graduate Program in Christian Apologetics, Biola UniversityGreg Koukl is a master tactician. I know of no one who is more conscientious in his efforts to communicate effectively and winsomely his Christian faith. In this book Greg shares with us his tried and true methods, skills honed through continual practice and revision. Mastering his tactics will make you a more effective ambassador for Christ.--William Lane Craig Author of Reasonable Faith--Christian Truth and ApologeticsGreg Koukl is a wise, seasoned, front-lines apologist. I am happy to recommend a book so full of practical insights and careful guidance for skillfully, winsomely defending the Christian faith.--Paul Copan Author of True for You, but Not for Me and Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?If you enjoy apologetics, Greg's book Tactics is not only a required read, but simply a delightfully entertaining resource. In fact, just try and put it down! Especially for those who struggle with relevant ways to relate to non-Christians while presenting Christian truth, this volume provides many proven methods of natural, non-confrontational dialogue where the purpose is often to simply give an unbeliever something to think about, what Greg calls placing a stone in someone's shoe. Featuring remarkably simple techniques that are easily and fruitfully applied, this incredibly insightful book is one I highly recommend.--Gary R. Habermas Distinguished Research Professor, Liberty University Author of The Case for the Resurrection of JesusIn a society filled with so much anti-Christian rhetoric, there is no better book to equip Christians to think clearly, soundly, and inoffensively in the face of the devices employed today in opposition to the Christian faith.--Norm Geisler Author of Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics and When Skeptics AskIn this wise and compelling book, Greg Koukl---who has thought long and hard about not only what to say but how to say it---provides
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Autor: Koukl, Gregory
  • Editorial: Zondervan
  • N° Paginas: 288
  • Tipo de pasta: Pasta blanda
  • Envío: Desde EE.UU.