Contemporary Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Identities (Libro en Inglés)

$ 15,210.00
ISBN: 9780387095554
por Springer
Debra A. Hope The Nebraska Symposium on Motivation is steeped in history and tradition. Over the years the series editors have striven to maintain the highest standards of a- demic excellence and to highlight some of the most important trends in psychology. Perusing the chapter titles in the first 53 volumes shows the shifting emphasis as the science of psychology developed in the latter half of the twentieth century. All of the most important topics are there -- drive theory, social learning, the cognitive revolution, developing perspectives on understanding individual differences and the role of culture, and the increasing role of neuroscience. The key figures are there as well -- Harry Harlow, Kenneth Spence, Raymond Cattell, George Kelly, Albert Bandura, Carl Rogers, Carroll Izard, Walter Mischel, Sandra Bem, Sandra Spence, Herbert Simon, David Barlow, and many others. In late 2004, I met with a group of interested graduate students, and together we developed a proposal to join this long and proud tradition with a volume on sexual orientation. Our motivation stemmed, in part, from the events around us. The same-sex m- riage debate was covered extensively in the media, reflecting a rapid and important discussion about sexual orientation that we were having (and are still having) as a society. Psychology and related fields have much to offer on many of the issues raised in this debate. From the reviews: This volume is a snapshot in time of what we know about the sexual identities of gay, lesbian, and bisexual individuals. ... it summarizes past research; more important, it presents a platform for launching future research. ... Practitioners (e.g., counselors, therapists, educators, social workers, and even policy makers) and all students in training need to read this book. It is an invaluable resource for researchers seeking to push the boundaries of our understanding of lesbians, gays, and bisexuals. (Robert D. Brown, PsycCRITIQUES, Vol. 54 (42), 2009) Contraportada The scientific study of sexual identity has made great strides in the five decades since Kinsey's early investigations.; We know that sexual orientation exists on a continuum and not within a list of static categories such as straight and gay, yet it's not always clear what should be measured, or what should count. It's understood that sexual orientation is an intricate blend of sexual attraction, behavior, and identity, but it can also be informed by political identity, social behavior, and nuances of attraction that may possibly transcend sex. However one defines sexuality, Contemporary Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Identities relates these concepts to larger societal issues while also highlighting critical grey areas in the knowledge base, from the psychobiology of desire to the fluidity of adolescent sexual experience and self-expression. Well-known scholars in the psychology of sexual orientation: Explore the challenges of answering the basic question How many gays are there? when scholars, statisticians, and research participants widely disagree.Set out a cogent framework for understanding the degrees of sexual prejudice and stigma, motivation for hate crimes, and their effects on sexual minorities. Review the state of research on same-sex relationships as a work in progress.Report on the evolving legal status of gays and lesbians, as more same-sex couples consider adoption and lobby to change the marriage laws. Present current findings on children raised in same-sex households, from behavioral health to social relationships Raise the pertinent question--given the disparities between men and women in terms of sexual expression and arousal--What is sexual orientation, and how do we view it through the lens of genderContemporary Perspectives on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Identities is especially timely during this current crossroads of social and political acceptance, and is thought-prov

  • Libro Impreso

  • Edición:

  • Editorial: Springer

  • Autor: Hope PhD, Professor of Psychology and Director Unl Anxiety Disorders Clinic Debra A