The Oxford Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies (Libro en Inglés)

$ 27,587.00
ISBN: 9780190887988
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies addresses the central question of Curriculum Studies as: What is worthwhile? Writ large, Curriculum Studies pertains to what human beings should know, need, experience, do, be, become, overcome, contribute, share, wonder, imagine, invent, andimprove. While the Encyclopedia treats curriculum as definitely central to schooling, it also shows how curriculum scholars work on myriad other institutionalized and non-institutionalized dimensions of life that shape the ways humans learn to perceive, conceptualize, and act in the world. Thus, while the Encyclopedia considers common curriculum categories (e.g., curriculum theory, history, purposes, development, design, enactment, evaluation), it does so through a critical eye that provides counter-narratives to neoliberal, colonial, and imperial forces that have too oftendominated curriculum thought, policy, and practice. While the Encyclopedia presents contemporary perspectives on prevailing topics such as science, mathematics, social studies, literacy/reading/literature/language arts, music, art, physical education, testing, special education, and the liberalarts, many of the articles also show how curriculum is embedded in ideology, human rights, mythology, museums, media, literature/film, geographical spaces, community organizing, social movements, cultures, race relations, gender, social class, immigration, activist work, popular pedagogy, revolution, diasporic events, and much more. To provide such perspectives, articles draw upon diverse scholarly traditions in addition to established qualitative and quantitative approaches (e.g., feminist, womanist, oral, critical theory, critical race theory, critical dis/ability studies, Indigenous ways of knowing, documentary, dialogue, postmodern, cooperative, posthuman, and diverse modes of expression). Moreover, such orientations--often drawn from neglected work from Asia, the Global South, Aboriginal regions, and other often excluded realms--reveal positions that counter official or dominant neoliberal impositions byemphasizing hidden, null, outside, material, embodied, lived, and transgressive curricula that foster emancipatory, ecologically interdependent, and continuously growing constructs. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies is the most comprehensive resource available in this field, and anessential reference for any student or scholar engaged in education research. All articles are also available online in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, where they will be continuously updated as the field evolves. Biografía del autor William H. Schubert is a Professor Emeritus of the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) where he was a faculty member for 36 years and where he coordinated the Ph.D. Program in Curriculum Studies and served as Chair of Curriculum & Instruction and Director of Graduate Studies. He grew up in ruralnortheastern Indiana, and earned an undergraduate degree from Manchester University, a Master's Degree from Indiana University-Bloomington, and a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and has also studied at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the University of Chicago, andNorthwestern University. At UIC he was awarded the position of University Scholar and received several university-wide awards for teaching and mentoring. Dr. Schubert is an elected Fellow of the International Academy of Education, an elected member of Professors of Curriculum, and recipient of the2004 Lifetime Achievement Award in Curriculum Studies of the American Educational Research Association. He has published 19 books, over 250 articles and chapters, and presented papers or colloquia in over 300 scholarly venues. His Curriculum: Perspective, Paradigm, and Possibility (Schubert, 1986)was selected by Professors of Curriculum as the most influential curriculum text between 1970 and 1990, and both his Guide to Curriculum in

  • Libro Impreso

  • Edición:

  • Editorial: Desconocida

  • Autor: Schubert, William H