The Little Chess Horse

$ 392.00
ISBN: 9788418018046
por Caligrama
ISBN: 9788418018046
Editorial: Caligrama
Autor: Oller Riera, Joaquim.
Año de edición: 2019
Edición: 1
N° Páginas: 94
Tipo de pasta: Pasta blanda
Descripción: The little chess horse was tired of the killing that occurred among the pieces in the daily chess games. One day, during their customary game of chess, a grandfather, who had been sent to war at the age of seventeen, in the so-called Baby Bottle call up, explained to his son how he managed to escape a terrible battle and return home. The little white horse listened very carefully to the account of the desertion and took advantage of a day when the chips fell to the ground, escaping with the little black pawn.
  • Idioma: Inglés
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