Stop Acting Rich... and Start Living Like a Real Millionaire (Libro en Inglés)

$ 842.00
ISBN: 9781118011577
por Wiley
ISBN: 9781118011577
Editorial: Wiley
Autor: Stanley PH D, Dr Thomas J
Año de edición: 2011
N° Paginas: 288
Tipo de pasta: Pasta blanda
Descripción: The bestselling author of The Millionaire Next Door reveals easy ways to build real wealthWith well over two million of his books sold, and huge praise from many media outlets, Dr. Thomas J. Stanley is a recognized and highly respected authority on how the wealthy act and think. Now, in Stop Acting Rich ? and Start Living Like a Millionaire, he details how the less affluent have fallen into the elite luxury brand trap that keeps them from acquiring wealth and details how to get out of it by emulating the working rich as opposed to the super elite.Puts wealth in perspective and shows you how to live rich without spending moreDetails why we spend lavishly and how to stop this destructive cycleDiscusses how being rich means more than just big houses and luxury carsA defensive strategy for tough times, Stop Acting Rich shows readers how to live a rich, happy life through accumulating more wealth and using it to achieve the type of financial freedom that will create true happiness and fulfillment. Contraportada PRAISE FOR STOP ACTING RICH . . . AND START LIVING LIKE A REAL MILLIONAIRE "Stanley's research does a great job of proving there's a big difference between income and net worth. Many pretenders have become very good at generating income and enjoying a high standard of living. But take this Stanley gem to the bank: 'Those who are among the least productive in transforming their incomes into wealth are in the higher-status occupations.' Don't be a great pretender, pretending you're doing well when you only look the part. Read this book and find out how to emulate real-deal millionaires." --Michelle Singletary, The Washington Post"Contains some surprising data that makes for a convincing argument supporting a simple lifestyle as a path to security." --Associated Press"After reading through Stanley's engaging anecdotes about how the other America actually lives, you may come to feel that perhaps you don't need to impress the other guy so much. This in itself is no small thing. Your wallet will thank you. And you may end up happier." Biografía del autor THOMAS J. STANLEY is the bestselling author of The Millionaire Mind and The Millionaire Next Door, which have sold more than 3 million copies worldwide. A recognized authority on the lifestyles and behaviors of the affluent, Dr. Stanley is frequently quoted in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Forbes, and other major publications. He has appeared numerous times on the Today show, 20/20, and Oprah. Visit Dr. Stanley at

  • Idioma: Inglés

  • Autor: Stanley PH D, Dr Thomas J

  • Editorial: Wiley

  • N° Paginas: 288

  • Tipo de pasta: Pasta blanda

  • Envío: Desde EE.UU.