Intelligent Educational Machines: Methodologies and Experiences: 44 (Libro en Inglés)

$ 8,524.00
ISBN: 9783540449201
por Springer
ISBN: 9783540449201
Editorial: Springer
Autor: Borges, Mario Neto
Año de edición: 2007
N° Paginas: 185
Tipo de pasta: Pasta dura
Descripción: This book presents recent advances in intelligent educational machines. It will be of particular interest to engineers, researchers, and graduate students in Computational Intelligence. Contraportada Artificial Intelligence and Education is an ever-growing research area. It uses artificial intelligence tools and techniques to provide the foundations for intelligent tutoring and learning systems. The main concern is taking advantage of computer-based technology to examine, discuss and foster the processes of cognition, learning, teaching and related subjects. This book supports and develops innovative teaching methods and learning systems.The goal of this volume has been to offer a wide spectrum of sample works developed in leading research throughout the world about innovative methodologies of artificial intelligence in education and foundations of engineering educational intelligent systems as well as applications and interesting experiences in the field. The book should be useful both for beginners and experienced researchers interested in applying computational intelligence to the educational process.

  • Idioma: Inglés

  • Autor: Borges, Mario Neto

  • Editorial: Springer

  • N° Paginas: 185

  • Tipo de pasta: Pasta dura

  • Envío: Desde EE.UU.