Can You Make a Scary Face? (Libro en Inglés)

$ 660.00
ISBN: 9781416985815
ISBN: 9781416985815
Editorial: Beach Lane Books
Autor: Thomas, Jan
Año de edición: 2009
N° Paginas: 40
Tipo de pasta: Pasta dura
Descripción: From School Library JournalPreSchool-K—This book will have youngsters jumping, wiggling, dancing, pretending, and laughing—all in reaction to a bossy, toothy ladybug with chartreuse skin. "Hey, you! Yes, I'm talking to you! STAND UP! No, I changed my mind…SIT DOWN! No….STAND UP!...Pretend you have a tiny bug on your nose. WIGGLE IT OFF!" Each spread has a dialogue balloon with large text and fonts that vary in color and size. Backgrounds change with every turn of the page, revealing glowing shades of blue, orange, and fuchsia. The expressive ladybug is outlined in broad black lines and seems only inches away from readers. Adults will enjoy using this title to encourage lively activity and imaginative games. Children will love everything about it—especially the surprise ending.—Susan Weitz, formerly at Spencer-Van Etten School District, Spencer, NYCopyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.What kind of a face would you make if a tickly green bug were sitting on your nose? Or if it were—eek!—inside your shirt? Could you make a scary face to frighten it away? Or, even better, stand up and do the chicken dance? Yes? Then better get to it! This exuberant, interactive picture book starring a bossy little ladybug and a GIANT hungry frog will have kids leaping up and down and out of their seats to dance and make silly scary faces of their own.About the AuthorJan Thomas is the creator of Rhyming Dust Bunnies; Can You Make a Scary Face?; Here Comes the Big, Mean Dust Bunny!; Is Everyone Ready for Fun?; Even Robots Can Be Thankful!; and Let’s Sing a Lullaby with the Brave Cowboy. She lives with her family in Socorro, New Mexico.
  • Idioma: Inglés
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