Brian's Return (A Hatchet Adventure) (Libro en Inglés)

$ 561.00
ISBN: 9780307929600
por Ember
ISBN: 9780307929600
Editorial: Ember
Autor: Paulsen, Gary
Año de edición: 2012
N° Paginas: 160
Tipo de pasta: Pasta blanda
Descripción: Brian returns to the wilderness to discover where he truly belongs in this follow-up to the award-winning classic Hatchet from three-time Newbery Honor-winning author Gary Paulsen!As millions of readers of Hatchet, The River, and Brian's Winter know, Brian Robeson survived alone in the wilderness by finding solutions to extraordinary challenges. But now that's he's back to ordinary life, he can't make sense of high school life. He feels disconnected, more isolated than he did alone in the north woods. How can Brian discover his true path in life, and where he belongs? The answer is to return.Gay Paulsen skillfully explores the meaning of belonging and purpose, and reminds us of a crucial rule of the wilderness: expect the unexpected.“Bold, confident and persuasive.” —Publishers Weekly, Starred“Paulsen bases many of his protagonist’s experiences on his own, and the wilderness through which Brian moves is vividly observed.” —Kirkus Reviews, StarredRead all the Hatchet Adventures!Brian's WinterThe RiverBrian's ReturnBrian's HuntAbout the AuthorGARY PAULSEN is the distinguished author of many critically acclaimed books for young people. His most recent books are Flat Broke; Liar, Liar; Masters of Disaster; Lawn Boy Returns; Woods Runner; Notes from the Dog; Mudshark; Lawn Boy; Molly McGinty Has a Really Good Day; The Time Hackers; and The Amazing Life of Birds (The Twenty Day Puberty Journal of Duane Homer Leech).Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.Brian sat quietly, taken by a peace he had not known for a long time, and let the canoe drift forward along the lily pads. To his right was theshoreline of a small lake he had flown into an hour earlier. Around him was the lake itself, an almost circular body of water of approximatelyeighty acres surrounded by northern forest—pine, spruce, poplar and birch—and thick brush.It was late spring—June 3, to be exact—and the lake was teeming, crawling, buzzing and flying with life. Mosquitos and flies filled theair, swarming on him, and he smiled now, remembering his first horror at the small blood drinkers. In the middle of the canoe he had an old coffeecan with some kindling inside it, and a bit of birchbark, and he lit them and dropped a handful of green poplar leaves on the tiny fire. Soon smokebillowed out and drifted back and forth across the canoe and the insects left him. He had repellant with him this time—along with nearly twohundred pounds of other gear—but he hated the smell of it and found it didn't work as well as a touch of smoke now and then. The blackflies anddeerflies and horseflies ignored repellant completely—he swore they seemed to lick it off—but they hated the smoke and stayed well off thecanoe.The relief gave him time to see the rest of the activity on the lake. He remained still, watching, listening.To his left rear he heard a beaver slap the water with its tail and dive—a warning at the intruder, at the strange smoking log holding theperson. Brian smiled. He had come to know beaver for what they truly were—engineers, family-oriented home builders. He'd read that most of thecities in Europe were founded by beaver. That beaver had first felled the trees along the rivers and dammed them up. The rising water killed moretrees and when the food was gone and the beaver had no more bark to chew they left. The dams eventually broke apart, and the water drained and leftlarge clearings along the rivers where the beaver had cut down all the trees. Early man came along and started cities where the clearings lay.Cities like London and Paris were founded and settled first by beaver.In front and to the right he heard the heavier footsteps of a deer moving through the hazel brush. Probably a buck because he heard no smallerfootsteps of a fawn. A buck with its antlers in velvet, more than likely, moving away from the smell of smoke from the canoe.A frog jumped from a lily pad six feet away and had ba

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