Alicia y la barriga maravillosa. Un cuento para entender cómo se alimentan tus e mociones / Alicia a

$ 726.00
ISBN: 9788448863241
por Beascoa
Product Description

En este segundo libro, la neurocientífica Nazareth Castellanos, explica a los más pequeños, a través de un maravilloso cuento ilustrado, cómo funciona la barriga, el segundo cerebro del cuerpo, y cómo lo que comemos afecta a nuestras emociones.

¿Sabías que en nuestro intestino viven millones de bichitos llamados bacterias? Unos tienen miles de patas, otros unos bigotes larguísimos, otros tienen treinta y cinco ojos, pero todos son pequeñísimos, casi invisibles. Viven allí porque nos ayudan a sacar la energía de la comida. Pero también nos ayudan a ser más listos, más buenos y a estar más felices.

Descubre todo esto y mucho más acompañando a Alicia en su viaje hacia el centro de su barriga, porque desde allí también tomamos muchas decisiones, y es también un gran centro neurálgico de emociones, aprendizaje y estados de ánimo. En este segundo libro Alicia se encontrará con el señor Zanco Panza en su fiesta de Feliz No Cumpleaños, y junto a la señora Cajal descubrirán cómo afectan a nuestras emociones los diferentes alimentos que comemos.

A través de coloridas ilustraciones, sencillas metáforas y pequeñas cajitas de información, los más pequeños descubrirán:
-Cómo funciona el proceso de la alimentación
-La importancia de comer bien para estar sano y fuerte y alegre
-Lo necesario que es tener una buena actitud para estar feliz Aprender cómo funcionamos por dentro nos ayuda a cuidarnos a nosotros mismos.

Aprender cómo funcionamos por dentro nos ayuda a cuidarnos a nosotros mismos.


Through this wonderfully illustrated second book, neuroscientist Nazareth Castellanos explains to the little ones how the belly works, and how things we eat affect our emotions. The belly is like a second brain.

Did you know that millions of little bugs called bacteria live in our intestines? Some have thousands of legs, others very long mustaches, others have thirty-five eyes, but all of them are tiny, almost invisible. They live there because they help us get the energy out of our food. But they also help us be smarter, better, and happier.

Discover all this and much more by tagging along with Alicia on her journey to the center of her belly, because it is from there that we make many decisions, and it is also a great nerve center of emotions, learning, and moods. In this second book, Alicia meets Mr. Zanco Panza at his Happy Not-Birthday party, and together with Mrs. Cajal they will discover how the different foods we eat affect our emotions.

Through colorful illustrations, simple metaphors, and small information boxes, the little ones will discover:
-How the feeding process works
-How important it is to eat well in order to be healthy, strong, and happy
-The importance of having a good attitude in order to be happy.

Learning how we function inside helps us take care of ourselves.

From School Library Journal

K-Gr 2—Alicia has been helping her father plant a garden where they are growing delicious vegetables. But what about sweets and snacks? Alicia wonders. When a friendly rabbit, Señora Cajal, passes by on her way to an un-birthday party, Alicia jumps at the chance to attend. But Señora Cajal has a special present with her—a mirror that allows her to see the inner workings of the body. Alicia learns what happens when she eats her food, about the good bacteria that live in her stomach, and what happens when she eats too many sweets. She is surprised to find that what she eats affects her health and her emotions—and even how she behaves toward others. The girl discovers it is okay to eat sweets every once in a while, and she embraces the nutritious vegetables and fruits that will help her body stay healthy. This fun and colorful Spanish picture book explores the benefits healthy foods have on our bodies, especially on the bodies of young children as they grow, as well as the negative effects that too many sweets and junk food can bring. Bold and colorful illustrations on white backgrounds will draw re