A Boy Like You (Libro en Inglés)

$ 660.00
ISBN: 9781534110465
ISBN: 9781534110465
Editorial: Sleeping Bear Press
Autor: Murphy, Frank
Año de edición: 2019
N° Paginas: 32
Tipo de pasta: Pasta dura
Descripción: 2020 "Rise: A Feminist Book Project Top Ten" winner (ALA) & Winner of the 2019 Eureka! Gold Awards There's more to being a boy than sports, feats of daring, and keeping a stiff upper lip. A Boy Like You encourages every boy to embrace all the things that make him unique, to be brave and ask for help, to tell his own story and listen to the stories of those around him. In an age when boys are expected to fit into a particular mold, this book celebrates all the wonderful ways to be a boy.Review""The world needs a boy like you," Murphy writes assuredly as a boy is shown standing out from a variably diverse crowd. Encouraging readers to contribute positively to the world around them, Harren's images show the boy sitting "with the new kid," recycling a bottle, telling a passerby he's dropped his wallet, and expressing himself in healthy ways (looking into adulthood, the boy imagines himself in different professions, including construction worker, artist, and teacher). Being brave means sometimes being afraid, Murphy asserts, and asking for help and not being afraid to cry are also signs of strength. The story is directed squarely at boys, but Harren's illustrations show representations of all kinds of kids and families. Being a boy can mean many things, Murphy suggests, but being "a smart boy, a brave boy, a kind boy" are the first important steps toward manhood." - Publisher's Weekly"The title answers a question: What does the world need?In simple, aphorism-laced language, Murphy offers a positive vision of masculinity that focuses on what he dubs " 'inside' strength"--the sort that privileges kindness, respect for self and for others, knowing when to ask for help, and daring to dream big. He begins with guidelines for right behavior on the playing field ("Say 'Nice goal!' and 'Good try!' / Don't say 'You throw like a girl.' Ever"). With the heartily welcome reminder that "there's so much more than sports," he goes on to suggest that spending time in a garden, kitchen, or science lab, playing music, reading or writing stories can all be just as valid and satisfying. Likewise showing consideration for others, working toward goals, and finally realizing that "the best you / is the you that is ALL you.... / Not a little you and a little someone else." Harren adds life and color to this earnest but not exactly electrifying advice in vignettes depicting a black lad with mobile features and interracial parents playing or otherwise posing in various settings amid a thoroughly diverse cast of peers, pets, and passersby. The figures, human and otherwise, are rendered with fetching individuality that really comes out in group scenes...particularly on the closing pages, where the illustrator lines up smiling young children, including girls, in informal rows.This visually buoyant book may well succeed at redirecting gender expectations--though not bending them." (Picture book. 6-8) - Kirkus Reviews"A Boy Like You is powerful. It conveys messages that I try to exemplify every day! The illustrations fit well and the narrative is fresh and timeless. The world needs a book like this." - George Jackson, Principal at Larchmont Elementary School, Larchmont, NJ"We need this book." - Barbara Dan, teacher and co-author of A Teacher Like You"A Boy Like You, I can't even explain the #heartbeeps because they are wicked, wicked BIG. It's beautiful and perfect and the world is going to love it. And my mom cried reading it to me."- Olivia Van Ledtje (aka "LivBits"), Book advocate and social media influencerFrom the AuthorIt's long been believed, taught, and reinforced that a boy should "tough it out" and solve problems on his own. And then, as a man, be independent or self-reliant - always trying to fix things on his own. These are just two of myriad tenets of masculinity that define "manhood" and guide the passage of boys to men.I try to combat many of these creeds of masculinity with A Boy Like You. As an elementary
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