10 Easy Steps To Go Natural Without Cutting Your Hair Off! (Libro en Inglés)

$ 638.00
ISBN: 9780615664026
por Vintage
"10 Easy Steps To Go Natural Without Cutting Your Hair Off! is the "bible" every transitioner needs!" There's no doubt about it, natural hair is beautiful! And most can admit, there's just something about a lady who rocks her natural tresses! Natural hair exudes confidence. It screams independence. It demonstrates 100% self-acceptance...but did you know that YOU can go natural? YOU don't have to be just an admirer of someone else's natural hair, you can rock your own natural hair! You can go natural without cutting all you hair off! Going natural is a beautiful process that involves so much more than the visual changes your hair goes through. 10 Easy Steps To Go Natural Without Cutting Your Hair Off! is a comprehensive handbook that takes a unique approach to: - how to transition to natural hair - how to overcome common transitioning obstacles - how to build a solid natural hair care routine - how to truly love your natural hair & much more! Don't wait any longer! Join thousands of women worldwide who've already done the best thing they've EVER done for their hair! ABOUT THE AUTHOR Nik Scott is more than a natural hair blogger and YouTuber. She is a self-proclaimed ambassador for Christ, wife, mother, artist, dreamer and DOER. As a freelance writer, promoting self-confidence within young girls and women has always been a passion for Nik. Because of her innate desire to help women, Nik founded the online Black hair resource Long Hair Don't Care in 2008. Since then, Nik has been able to use social media like YouTube to build solid credibility as an online authority on hair, do-it-yourself projects, style and everything in between! In 2012 Nik established LHDC-TV, a life & style social media network which allows her to further inspire, help, encourage and teach. Life Happens. Don't Conform.CONNECT WITH NIK Facebook.com/lhdctv Twitter.com/inikscott Instagram@inikscott YouTube.com/longhairdontcarellc

  • Libro Impreso

  • Edición:

  • Editorial: Vintage

  • Autor: Scott, Nik