The Catholic Picture Bible by Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. is a wonderful and highly-acclaimed collection of Bible stories for children. Set in large easy-to-read type, children will learn about key stories from the Bible that are enhanced with beautiful artwork in this fine publication. The Catholic Picture Bible is a true classic and has been a favorite among Catholics for several decades. This title provides summaries and valuable context for 117 important stories from the Bible, 43 stories from the Old Testament and 74 stories from the New Testament. The language is simple and easily understandable. This book makes an excellent gift and is a great educational resource for children seeking to know more about the Word of God.
Among the features of this book are: vibrant full-color illustrations durable sewn hardcover binding a short caption accompanying each illustration a foreword written by the author, Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. Informative and engaging introductions for both the Old Testament and the New Testament maps of the Old Testament World and the New Testament World Land of the Bible concluding section that contains photographs, explanations, and Scriptural references for the following holy sites: The Star of Bethlehem The Golden Gate Ancient Synagogue at Capernaum The Pool of Siloam The Sacred Stairway The Via Dolorosa The Mount of OlivesThe following Old Testament topics and figures are covered in this title: The Story of the Creation Adam and Eve in Paradise Cain and Abel Noah's Ark The Promise to Abram Abraham's Sacrifice Jacob and Esau Joseph and His Brothers Joseph in Potiphar's House Joseph's Greatness Moses, Prince and Leader The Burning Bush The Plagues of Egypt The Cross of the Red Sea The Manna in the Desert The Ten Commandments Miracles in the Desert Rahab and the Two Spies The Taking of Jericho Joshua Conquers Canaan The Devotion of Ruth The Strength of Samson The Child Samuel King Saul Saul Disobeys God David and Saul David and Goliath David Loves Saul Saul's Death The City of David The Death of Absalom King Solomon The Temple of Solomon Job's Patience The Prophet Elijah The Prophet Elisha The Prophet Jonah Isaiah and Jeremiah Tobiah and the Angel The Bravery of Judith Belshazzar's Banquet Daniel in the Lions' Den The Return to Jerusalem The following New Testament topics and figures are covered in this title: The Annunciation The Visitation The Birth of Jesus The Shepherds The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple Wise Men from the East The Flight into Egypt Jesus Is Found in the Temple The Hidden Life of Jesus The Baptism of Jesus The Temptation of Jesus The Marriage at Cana The Sellers in the Temple Nicodemus Comes to Jesus The Samaritan Woman The Great Catch of Fish The Ten Lepers The Cripple at the Pool The Sermon on the Mount Jesus Teaches Charity The Centurion's Servant The Call of Matthew The Rich Man and Lazarus The Penitent Woman The Widow's Son The Daughter of Jairus Man with Withered Hand Jesus Calms the Storm A Possessed Man The Beheading of John the Baptist Miracle of Loaves and Fish Jesus Walks on the Water Jesus Preaches from a Boat Promise of the Eucharist Peter, Head of the Church The Transfiguration The Temple Dues Jesus and Little Children Avoiding Scandal Mission of the Apostles The Good Samaritan Jesus with Martha & Mary The Adulteress The Prodigal Son Lazarus Raised from the Dead The Pharisee and Publican The Blind Man The Rich Young Man The Good Shepherd Mother of James and John Zacchaeus the Publican Entry into Jerusalem Washing of the Feet Institution of the Eucharist The High-Priestly Prayer The Agony in the Garden Judas Betrays Jesus Jesus Before Caiaphas Peter Denies Jesus Jesus Before Pilate Jesus Is Scourged Behold the Man On the Road to Calvary Jesus Dies on the Cross The Burial The Resurrection of Jesus The Women at the Tomb Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene Jesus Appears to Two Disciples Jesus Appears to Apostles Unbelieving Thomas Peter Receives the Primacy The