The Incredible Shrinking Alpha 2nd edition: How to be a successful investor without picking winners

$ 836.00
ISBN: 9780857198242
ISBN: 9780857198242
Editorial: Harriman House
Autor: Swedroe, Larry
Año de edición: 2020
Edición: 2
N° Páginas: 220
Tipo de pasta: Pasta blanda
Descripción: Active managers persistently lag the returns of benchmarks and index funds that track them, with the excuses for underperformance recycled every year. This comprehensive book is the antidote for the active managers' siren song. If you understand the benefits of indexing, or systematic investing, it will reinforce your commitment while increasing your knowledge. If you don't yet believe, Swedroe and Berkin provide a compelling case that you're playing the loser's game of active management. Alpha, or outperformance against appropriate risk-adjusted benchmarks, is shrinking as it gets converted into beta, or factor exposures. They demonstrate that even for the most talented managers, their ability to add value is waning because: the amount of alpha available is declining; it must be split among an increasing amount of investment dollars; and the competition is getting tougher. In this greatly expanded second edition, Swedroe and Berkin show you how to develop an investment plan that focuses on what risks to take, and how much of them, as well as how to build a diversified portfolio. They present a list of vehicles to consider when implementing your plan and provide guidance on the care and maintenance of your portfolio. As a bonus they add appendices that will make you a more informed and, therefore, better investor. Críticas Based on decades of research and my personal experiences, I too gave up the quest for alpha long ago. I hold an endowed chair in investments and am a member of The Wall Street Journal Experts panel. Yet, I do not own a single individual stock or corporate bond. Rather, I invest in low-cost passive mutual funds and ETFs. Swedroe and Berkin demonstrate how this strategy can be used to achieve a prudent, globally diversified portfolio. Their book could well end up saving you a lot of money--your money--and giving you a lot of free time. --William Reichenstein, Investment Professor at Baylor UniversityBerkin and Swedroe knock it out of the park with The Incredible Shrinking Alpha. The authors provide an incredibly thorough and balanced summary of the research on the challenges faced by active asset management. I learned a lot from this book and I think you will too. Read it. --Wesley R. Gray PhD, CEO of Alpha Architect, and co-author of Quantitative Value and Quantitative MomentumEver wonder why your actively managed funds almost invariably disappoint you? Piece by piece, the authors peel back the claims that active managers can add value in a system where it gets harder and harder to generate Alpha. In a world where academic research uncovers the true sources of return and markets relentlessly become more efficient, what's an investor to do? Go passive! Swedroe is the master of explaining financial research in terms that every reader can easily understand. Read and improve your financial acumen. --Francis Armstrong III, author of The Informed Investor and Investment Strategies For The 21st CenturyFor over half a century, academics and practitioners have debated the very nature of markets. Berkin and Swedroe guide us through this labyrinth of literature to reach one clear conclusion: what once was opaque, expensive alpha is now transparent, low-cost beta. Providing a framework for how and where to put that knowledge into action--and how investors can avoid playing the "loser's game"--is where this book really shines. --Corey Hoffstein, Co-founder & CIO, Newfound ResearchIf you think you can beat the market, you need to read this wise book. Swedroe and Berkin show that whatever superior investment performance you may achieve is fully accounted for by the risks you are taking with your money and even risk compensation may be shrinking as well. But there are things you can do, and the authors suggest a number of sensible strategies to improve investment results. --Burton Malkiel, author of A Random Walk Down Wall StreetIn this short but powerful book, Swedroe and Berkin have
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Autor: Swedroe, Larry
  • Editorial: Harriman House
  • N° Paginas: 220
  • Tipo de pasta: Pasta blanda
  • Envío: Desde EE.UU.